

Monday, June 27, 2016

Tooth Sensitivity ‐ Part 3

Dental Sensitivity can be caused by many factors, including these ten examples:

1. Over‐brushing or aggressive brushing: If you brush too forcefully, with a side‐to side technique or with too hard a brush, the enamel may be thinned and the area around the gum‐line is most often affected. If you previously were flexing your muscles while brushing, save that for the gym or beach! Effective brushing is more of a gentle cleansing massage in small circular motions rather than a forceful scrubbing approach. Dr. Landry personally uses and recommends an electric toothbrush with soft bristles, like Sonicare.

2. Abrasive toothpaste: Even more than a hard or medium bristle toothbrush, studies show an abrasive toothpaste can increase abrasion wear on the teeth and cause sensitivity. “Whitening toothpastes” are the most abrasive. Instead, Dr. Landry recommends patients with tooth wear or sensitivity to use an ADA-approved “Sensitivity toothpaste” since these are the most non-abrasive, gentle type available.

3. Periodontal Disease and Gingival Recession: Periodontal disease causes a reduction in the bone height. The gum tissue follows the reduced bone and shrinks back, exposing the sensitive root surface which is not protected by enamel.

4. Poor oral hygiene: This can lead to cavities and/or plaque and tartar build‐up, resulting in gum disease and recession.

5. Clenching and grinding your teeth: This can cause tooth sensitivity due to the constant force being exerted on your teeth. Regularly grinding your teeth can also wear down the enamel on your teeth and expose your dentin.

6. Medical conditions: Bulimia and acid reflux (GERD), for instance, can cause acid to collect in the mouth and erode enamel, resulting in sensitive teeth. If certain medical conditions are uncontrolled and combined with the bruxism grinding habit, enamel and dentin erosion can quickly become severe.

7. Medications: Certain medications, such as asthma inhalers, can cause high acidity levels to occur in the mouth and result in tooth surface erosion.

8. Acidic food: Food with high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea, can cause enamel erosion with regular consumption.

9. Teeth whitening: Sensitivity is one of the possible side effects of whitening. Proactive preventative steps can be taken prior to whitening to minimize or eliminate sensitivity. However, if someone does experience short-term sensitivity from whitening, this will clear up soon after the whitening has ended.

10. Bad habits: Using your teeth as tools or biting down on objects (i.e., pencils) can wear down your tooth enamel and cause your dentin to be exposed.

To schedule a visit in Seville, OH to discuss your sensitive teeth or other dental concerns, we welcome you to call our office today at (330) 769-4470! For more helpful dental advice, please like us at Joseph G. Landry II, DDS, FAGD on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tooth Sensitivity ‐ Part 2 ‐ Common Causes

This week we take a look at many of the common causes of tooth sensitivity.

1. Trauma – If your tooth has been injured or damage it may become sensitive to even slight pressure. Oftentimes an injury will cause your tooth to "bruise" or crack and cause you to have pain or tenderness when chewing or biting. There are times when getting your teeth cleaned can cause your teeth to be sensitive due to these things as well. Usually a toothpaste designed to treat sensitivity will reverse this sensitivity.

2. Uneven Bite – If you have a bite where your teeth are not aligned and meet too soon or with too much force it can cause you to have pain or sensitivity. An uneven bite can be caused by habits like thumb-sucking, loss of jaw bone, or a tooth being extracted. An adjustment to your bit will usually reverse this source of tooth sensitivity.

3. Dental Decay – Sensitivity to hot or cold, sweets, or acidic food can develop in a tooth if decayed because bacteria have access to the nerve of the tooth. Removal of the decay and a filling is required to solve this issue. If the decay is not addressed quickly, the tooth nerve may be irreversibly damaged from the bacterial presence and either a root canal therapy or extraction of the tooth may be needed.

4. Dental Infection ‐ Extreme sensitivity can occur if there is infection in the tooth. Treatment is needed to clear up the infection or it can not only lead to extreme pain, but serious health issues.

5. Dentinal Sensitivity – The most common cause of tooth sensitivity is exposed dentin. Dentin (the inner layer of your tooth) becomes exposed when your enamel has become too worn down. Maintaining a healthy layer of enamel will protect you from this cause of tooth sensitivity.

Teeth can become sensitive for various reasons, including trauma, tooth wear or dental disease. The first step in treating a sensitive tooth or teeth is to determine the cause. If you have sensitivity, we will be happy to help you find solutions at Landry Family Dentistry in Seville, OH! Please feel free to contact us to make an appointment if you are dealing with Tooth Sensitivity or any other dental care issues.  Stay tuned to our next blog, where we will continue to rev
iew some of the many factors that cause Dentinal Sensitivity.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tooth Sensitivity ‐ Part 1

It is approximated that nearly 50% of all adults in the United States suffer, to some degree, from tooth sensitivity. This suffering is serious for some and just beginning for others, but should be checked on regardless. The reason you should have this checked on is that tooth sensitivity can be a sign of a more serious dental condition like intense grinding of your teeth, loss of enamel due to acid, trauma, and more. There is a wide range of treatment for tooth sensitivity that Dr. Landry can take advantage of to treat your condition. Regardless of how severe or long-lasting, you should take tooth sensitivity as a sign to visit Dr. Landry.

You may experience tooth sensitivity when:

- Eating something hot or cold
- Eating something sweet or sour
- Pressure on your teeth
- When biting down on something hard or chewy

The Landry Family Dentistry Team in Seville, Ohio, truly enjoys helping our patients from Medina, Summit, and Wayne Counties reduce and eliminate tooth sensitivity, as well as solving other smile concerns. Please call (330) 769-4470 if we can help you as well! Stay tuned for our next blog, where we will review some of the common causes of tooth sensitivity.